Project Propellor 2018
This annual event enables RAF Veterans from across the UK to come together once a year to enjoy each others company, reminisce and generally have a good time. Free food is laid on, along with entertainment and there are various other displays on show. Plus some great WW2 aircraft, including the Battle of Britain Lancaster, which made an emotional fly past late in the afternoon. I was honoured to be invited to the day, and asked to bring 'Stirling to Essen' along to sell to those attending. In 2018 it took place at the wonderfull named Halfpenny Green Airport near Wolverhampton.
Here's my spot inside the hangar and the first Veteran I met was an old friend and crew mate of the late Ron Brown, who happened to be a drinking buddy of my late fathers. What a small world.
Great to see Cliff Watson again (left below) Cliff was a rear gunner on Wellingtons, Stirlings and Halifax bombers. Right: At last I got to meet James Flowers
Left: Henry Wagner, a regular at my Veterans Day signs some copies of 'Stirling to Essen', on the right a veteran autographs something that will never fit on anybody's sideboard
Quite a few classic aircraft made an appearance during the day.
And right on time she made her dramatic appearance to a full house
And then it was time for a dance or two to those great songs from decades ago. amazing men. Despite walking sticks and frames they got to their feet they hit the floor.
I was delighted to present Graham Cowie with a cheque for £300 on behalf of The Godmanchester Stirling Fund towards the cost of staging Project Propellor 2019