Drummonds Supercharged Squire

The very beginning of the project, way back in April 2013 and the arrival in Godmanchester of Drummonds Wilson's Squire Sports Car from the mid 1930's   



Prior to the Squire Drummond rallied a lot of other fine Sports cars. Her his wife Aymee smiles out from behind the wheel of an MG



The Autocar Magazine from 7th June 1935, above the cover and a map of the Scottish Rally route. Below you can see Drummond entered this event driving an SSI (Jaguar3.5ltr Roadster) Almost certainly the one in the above picture, nicknamed 'Susie' 

And finally the Squire, a car with which he will always be associated, is purchased. 


1941 and a blurry photograph of Drummond driving 'Elmer', this picture was most likely taken by his best friend Pilot Officer Norman Robson. Its believed that they met up somewhere in the Cheltenham area, Norman using a motor bike as his preferred mode of transport.


 A wonderful moment when Drummond Thorne, Drummond Wilson's son got to drive his late father's car for the first time. A magical moment, here he is on the left, and on the right, Roy Palmer, owner of the Squire. 


Below left the Squire parked outside the Queen Elizabeth School, Godmanchester with Drummonds photo proudly showing, and right my good lady Michele poses in the driving seat (apologies for the slightly pinky effect)


Below, some wonderful photos of the gleaming beast. She purrs like a leopard and roars like a lion